JRC Community Program
 info@jaguarrescue.foundation |  +506 2750-0710

The Ceiba Primary Forest FoundationThe JRC, in commitment with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, and in the same way adopting a strong position with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We want to manifest a responsible fulfillment of these towards the society and environment, key factors for the SDGs.

Limón is one of the most vulnerable cantons in the area, having the highest poverty rate in Costa Rica, on the other hand it is the richest in biodiversity and beauty. These social and economic agents shape the use and exploitation of the natural resources provided by the area. Due to these and since the foundation of the Jaguar Rescue Center in 2008, we have worked and applied environmental concerns for educational purposes to the protection of the wild fauna of the Southern Caribbean side of Costa Rica through our program, Jaguar Rescue Community.

Following common ground values of cooperation, sustainability, integrity and equity as guides, for the many educational activities with many local schools of the area and together with the local Police, the Ministry of environment and energy, Fireman, Coastguards, neighbors and community leaders.

In April 2022, we started to perform actions in order to highlight, shape the structure and strengthen the JRC community program.

Educational Tours

The Jaguar Rescue Center Sanctuary is the best landscape to educate on biodiversity. In our tours we are able to show our residents, the animals, whom we have been unable to reintroduce back to their natural habitats. They are the main characters, the ambassadors that help us show the true colors of this reality that they live in, the issues the world is creating and the aggressive actions they are perceiving on what was once their habitats and have been disrupted by human actions.

The tour in the sanctuary follows a purpose to educate both the local community and the foreigners that visit us around the globe, in order to spread the message to their own countries about the magnificent fauna and biodiversity Costa Rica has and the challenges it is facing.

Our goal is to map all schools in the zone, for them to at least, have the opportunity to visit once a year the JRC sanctuary and that all children can become agents and part of this chain of change and progress in their communities and spread the word in their families and other generations.

Educational tours
school tours in JRC

JRC goes to school

We strongly believe that knowledge is power therefore it is of the utmost importance to mitigate the challenges the fauna is facing. Therefore, it is in our agenda to visit schools and community projects especially for those who have been unable to travel to us, and give out the experience and knowledge equally for all.

When coming together we are creating alliances that allow us to give the inspiration to progress on these challenges, and consequently receive support from them on spreading the word. We want to shape their academic lives based on respect towards nature from kindergarten up to adulthood.

Making a difference

This is the most human connected project there is in the JRC as we are establishing direct relations with the Costa Rican population. Our goal is to involve the local community in our strategies of conservation, involving them and creating a familiar landscape for them to join our project, therefore the JRC can be a guiding light and a pillar for the community.

As the main goal, we want to strengthen the relations with schools and improve the cultural practices with the use of biodiversity.

This program is primarily intended for families and adults in the communities, under a collaborative focu on different social agents, where we want to grow knowledge and raise awareness for the well-being of the biodiversity with activities both inside and outside the JRC involving, workshops, seminars and other activities related to the protection of the fauna and conservation of the biodiversity.

Following these goals with integrity and equity, we are going to focus on the most vulnerable sectors of the community, such as women, rural communities and indigineous people, elder population and community leaders.

make a difference
JRC community program
JRC community program
JRC community program

A total of 2500 individuals participated in various program activities throughout 2024.

Educational Tours:
Schools, colleges, indigenous associations, women's groups, and local institutions engage in educational tours of the JRC sanctuary. We recorded 1158 visits, that includes 934 children and 224 adults.

JRC Visits the Community:
We organize and conduct talks and educational workshops addressing topics based on the community's interests and needs. We held 41 sessions with a total of 1169 attendees.

Making a Difference:
Fostering community action through initiatives like public space restoration, waste collection, and tree planting. A 43 people participated, and we collected approximately 122 kg of solid waste.

"Together to save biodiversity"

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