Our Privary Policy
 info@jaguarrescue.foundation |  +506 2750-0710

For JAGUAR RESCUE CENTER, hereinafter JRC, respect for privacy is an essential pillar in our operations. Therefore, we are committed to protecting this and other digital rights through compliance with this policy, its principles, and rules, so that visitors and those who support us can carry out their digital activities with the greatest possible guarantees of privacy.


When you contract our services and/or communicate with us through our platform, you entrust us with your information, so it is important for us to be transparent about the use of your personal data. The personal information we collect is used for the following purposes:

  • I.Internal management. The management of your information is essential in order to provide you with a high quality service.
  • II.Informational communications. Communication is essential for the effective provision of any service, so we will communicate with you through the means that you provide us to meet the purposes of our organization.
  • III. Donation management: in order to fulfill the objectives in favor of the protection of animal welfare, our organization processes the data of our donors for internal purposes, as well as for accountability and tax compliance, when required by the authorities.

In order to contract our services and/or fulfill your requirements we will only ask you for the data that is necessary to fulfill your request, in compliance with our privacy policy and those of third party platforms in which you initiate a contact and/or contract a service with us.

When you visit our website, the website uses cookies strictly necessary to provide you with our services and/or the ability for you to consume content on the website. Our site contains first and third-party cookies, which are used to offer functions, internal statistics, videos, or reference information, which can be rejected by the user and/or accepted in accordance with the provisions of the policy and the cookie notice


When users browse our website, JRC collects technical data in an automated way, such as IP address, browser, operating system, among others necessary for the operation of the technological platform, which are not used for identification purposes, except in cases where the user voluntarily decides to contact us and these data are part of the communication (e.g. contact forms), so they will be treated as confidential.

In any case, the information collected is treated for internal purposes in compliance with the general rules and principles contained in this privacy policy.


JRC is located in the Republic of Costa Rica, so we are bound to comply with the Costa Rican legal system. All information collected in our technological platform is treated for internal purposes, and is governed by this privacy policy, which is carried out in compliance with the Costa Rican Privacy Law (l. №8968) and in compliance with the current principles of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.

In JRC we treat the information you submit in order to provide the requested service, make your billing and give you the required information. The data supplied will be kept for as long as the business relationship is maintained or for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and meet any possible responsibilities that may arise from the fulfillment of the purpose for which the data was collected.


The Data Controller, in order to fulfill the purposes of the service provided, will treat the data according to the following general rules:

  • a. Internal purposes: The data collected from user visits are used for internal, statistical and web analytics purposes.
  • b. Transfer of data: Data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.
  • c. Confidentiality of information: All personal information provided directly by a user will not be shared with third parties, unless this treatment is necessary to provide a service that the user has contracted and according to the purposes for which the data were collected.
  • d. Informative communications: Communications about our organization will be made via email to meet the objectives of our organization, in the strictly necessary frequency and the user may unsubscribe at any time.

The user understands and accepts that the personal data will be hosted in servers located in the Costa Rican territory and/or in the United States of America, but at all times will be under the control of JRC, who for all purposes is the Data Controller.


Any holder of personal data collected by our organization, regardless of their country of residence, may exercise - free of charge- the rights recognized in the Costa Rican Privacy Law (L. №8968), with respect to the fundamental right of informational self-determination and other digital rights contained in this privacy policy.

Therefore, at any time, with respect to your personal data you may require the following:

  • - Right of Access to Information: All data collected about the user may be requested by the user (article 7, paragraph 1, Law №8968). In compliance with Costa Rican personal data protection regulations, no data concerning third parties will be provided.
  • - Right of Rectification: If the user considers that there is inaccurate, outdated or incorrect data, he/she may request its correction or elimination (article 7, paragraph 2, Law №8968).
  • - Right of Opposition: The user may, at any time, oppose the processing of his/her data for marketing purposes and/or any other processing -in a grounded and legitimate manner-.
  • - Request for Retention: The user may request the retention of electronic data deemed necessary for a judicial investigation, in order to be handed over to the competent authorities, in compliance with the regulations in force (Article 16, Budapest Convention on Cybercrime).

Any request must be made by email to info@jaguarrescue.foundation.

Your request will be processed free of charge and will be delivered to you in an electronic document, in a legible, understandable and easily accessible format.


When you must access third party platforms to consume a resource, communicate with us or access a service linked to JRC, you understand and agree to accept the conditions of such third party technological service and its respective privacy policy.

In any case, regardless of the channel or platform you use to contact us or hire our services, the principles, general rules and purposes set forth in this privacy policy will govern the treatment of your personal data by our organization.


The personnel of JRC, technological intermediaries and service providers, whose services are linked to the purposes described in this privacy policy, will sign a confidentiality agreement with respect to the information to which they have access, which will remain in force even after the end of the contractual relationship that originates the access to the data.


The Data Controller commits to adopt the appropriate and proportional technical measures according to the business line, in accordance with the current technological and organizational development necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data and to avoid the illicit access by unauthorized third parties of the personal data of restricted access under its custody.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user accepts that security is a process which may be affected by events beyond the control of JRC or its technological intermediary.

How to contact us
Thank you for reading our Cookie Policy. For more information, you can send an email to info@jaguarrescue.foundation.

The Data Controller

Playa Chiquita, Limón,
Costa Rica.