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Archive by tag: rescueReturn
It is with a lot of excitement that we announce that Sansa´s eye surgery went very well. We are now taking care of her recovery, hopefully soon she will discover the world with her new eyes.
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Since 2014 we have received more than 5000 animals. Our mission has always been to release them to their natural habitat. No one is left behind
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Check us out on Zac Efron new series “Down to Earth” as he travels around the world focusing on sustainable living pratices, nature and green energy. We’re part of the Costa Rican episode where our co-founder Encar shows the center around to Zac and Darin and explains our mission.
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June was a fantastic month of releases. Knowing that the animals, which we worked hard to rehabilitate, are back in their own environment makes all the difficulties we encountered worthwhile!
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The two are now back where they both belong, happy day! A big thank you to SINAC and Cahuita National Park for letting us release them in this incredible park.
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After spending one year with us she’s finally back where she belongs
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She was found in a field hanging tight to her dead mother and along with her mother were 7 other dead adult monkeys
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Sunday, early in the morning, we received a call about a sea turtle being stuck between two palm trees without any chance of freeing herself.
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To celebrate the #WorldWildlifeDay we shared February's special release, Zuthu and Khali, two wonderful ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) that came here after being confiscated as babies by the MINAE almost two years ago
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Take a look at our 2019 statistics. These are numbers but above all they represent real stories. Both sad and happy. But they are real and the most real they can get.
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