The JRC signs collaboration agreements with conservation organizations in the South Caribbean aligned with sustainability - News |  +506 2750-0710

The JRC signs collaboration agreements with conservation organizations in the South Caribbean aligned with sustainability

We are pleased to announce that in recent weeks, we have signed collaboration agreements in environmental matters with the Talamanca Biological Corridor, the Ara Project Association, and the Turtle Rescue Center in Cahuíta.

All these organizations are united by common interests and objectives in the protection of wildlife, natural habitats, and biodiversity. According to our mission and values, we commit to establishing channels of information and collaboration that allow the exchange of knowledge in environmental matters and the implementation of common activities in this field.

The Corredor Biológico de Talamanca caribe (ACBTC) is a non-governmental organization with 17 members, all organizations from Talamanca, including community development associations, indigenous development associations, associations of small producers, and conservationist associations. All of them share common interests in promoting the protection and sustainable management of natural resources. Their main objective is the protection of the Biological Corridor as a geographic space, which seeks to ensure the connection between protected areas, indigenous territories, and promote the genetic exchange of species of flora and fauna.

The Ara Manzanillo Project began in 2010 with a reintroduction project of the Great Green Macaw in the South Caribbean region of Costa Rica, within a wildlife refuge located in Manzanillo de Talamanca. It represents the world's first attempt to reintroduce this species into nature. The goal of this project is to establish a self-sufficient population of the Great Green Macaw, and the results achieved so far are truly remarkable.

The Turtle Rescue Center in Cahuíta has a mission of community protection of native wildlife in the area, ensuring the survival of sea turtles. It promotes the protection and survival of sea turtles and various forms of wildlife in the area through education and active community participation. They have a hatchery for the protection of turtle eggs in Cahuíta, which serves to protect the eggs collected in their beach censuses. Additionally, they carry out communal environmental education activities.

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