New Monkeys at the JRC - News |  +506 2750-0710

Introducing Fiji, Borneo & Urdu.

These three howler monkeys arrived in April and have been residing in our clinic since then.

Let's start with Fiji.

Monkey Fiji

Fiji was admitted late at night with a shattered humerus and an abdominal wound. Our vet team stayed late that night to perform emergency surgery on Fiji. They used a pin to keep the bone in place and a bandage to protect her arm from shifting. Fiji required anesthesia every time our vet cleaned her wounds.

We removed the pin after a few weeks but left the bandage over her arm. The following stage will be to assess the arm's mobility.

Then there's Borneo.

Monkey Borneo

He belongs to the same monkey troop as Fiji and was also attacked by the same alfa. His left hand was shattered, and he had a groin wound and a large cut on his head where the skull was in full view.

We treated his injuries, and sadly, we had to amputate part of his fingers. He is healing wonderfully, and he has started moving his arm, though he still struggles a little.

Last but not least, there is Urdu.

Monkey Urdu

Urdu is from another monkey troop, but like Fiji and Borneo, Urdu was attacked by the troop’s alfa.

Urdu suffered a fracture to his femur and vertebral fractures. He had surgery, and our veterinarian implanted a pin to assist the bone recovery. Urdu is receiving acupuncture treatments as part of his rehabilitation. He couldn't move his tail or leg when he first arrived, but he's getting better every day.

They are still babies and have a long way to go before they can be released. We will give them the best care during their stay.

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