Green sea turtle rescue arrives at JRC - News |  +506 2750-0710

Green sea turtle rescue arrives at JRC

Three weeks ago a juvenile green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) was found by coast guards on the beach in Limon, Costa Rica. Without a second thought, she was brought into the Jaguar Rescue Center where she would begin her rehabilation journey with our wildlife vets.

When Coral arrived, she was weak - unable to move her flippers or lift her head. Soon after, we discovered she was defecating bits of plastic.

As a result of the our wildlife vet’s dedication and hard work, in addition to Coral’s own strength, her health is improving everyday.

Coral is just one example of how human activities threaten marine life. Threats to green sea turtles include injuries caused by boat propellers, plastic pollution, fishing nets, and plenty more. By reducing our plastic consumption and ensuring we recycle correctly, we can help protect green sea turtles and other marine life.

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