Watch the Jaguar rescue center on Netflix! - News |  +506 2750-0710

Watch the Jaguar rescue center on Netflix!

Check us out on Zac Efron new series “Down to Earth” as he travels around the world focusing on sustainable living pratices, nature and green energy. We’re part of the Costa Rican episode where our co-founder Encar shows the center around to Zac and Darin and explains our mission.

On this episode we cover one of the main threats that wildlife faces here, electrocutions! With infrastructure development comes the need of electricity and in Costa Rica the powerlines are very poorly insulated, so it’s very easy for an animal to mistake the cables for branches and use them to get from branch to branch ending up being caught in the powerlines. We have had successful cases of animals recovering from electrocutions but there are a lot of them that don’t make it.

So the solution is tackling the problem from the source to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again. We created the “Shock Free Zone” campaign that aims to insulate every powerline in the Caribbean side of Costa Rica (For now!).

Do you want to help us with the “Shock Free Zone” campaign? Donate here and have a direct impact on wildlife conservation. You can make a difference.

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