Urgent Rescue: 10 Green Sea Turtles Saved from Poachers in Limón - News
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Urgent Rescue: 10 Green Sea Turtles Saved from Poachers in Limón

On the morning of September 14th, we faced a critical situation. At 6 AM, the authorities contacted us urgently after confiscating 10 green sea turtles and 138 eggs from poachers in Limón.

Thanks to our team's experience and the generous support from our donors last year, we were fully prepared for such an emergency. The pools were ready, the water pump—purchased with funds from last year’s rescue campaign—was checked and running, and our veterinary team was on standby.

As the turtles arrived, one by one, we carefully placed them in their recovery pools. Unfortunately, all of them had suffered from being tied up, which caused open wounds on their fins. As part of our standard procedure, we scanned each turtle for microchips, and we discovered that one of them had been tagged by an organization in Tortuguero in 2021.

Afterwards, our veterinary team immediately treated the injuries, along with harpoon wounds and scratches on their shells. These injuries were inflicted by the poachers who left the turtles flipped upside down to die, intending to sell their meat and eggs for consumption and use their shells for jewelry and other trade purposes.

Right now, these sea turtles are receiving specialized care. We're incredibly grateful to our supporters. This is an occasion to witness how contributions have lasting effects—thanks to generous donors, the equipment purchased last year is still making a real difference today, allowing us to respond swiftly and effectively in emergencies like this.

Poaching continues to pose a serious threat to green sea turtles every year. Raising community awareness is key to their protection, and we believe that, together, with the JRC Community, we can create a lasting impact for future generations.

A special thanks to the Fuerza Pública and the GAO (Grupo de Apoyo Operacional de la Policía) for their help in transporting the turtles and assisting us in safely moving them into the pools.

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